Vespa bicolor Fabricius, 1787
Head, thorax and gaster slightly pubescent, with stiff erected hairs, and impunctate. Head : vertex dark brown with finely punctured, fron and temple light sulphur-yellow; antennae dark brown with underneath and scape light sulphur-yellow; clypeus light sulphur-yellow, fine punctures, posterior side with broadly rounded lobes; mandibles light sulphur-yellow with black tooth. Pronotum light sulphur-yellow, mesonotum black, scutellum and postscutellum light sulphur-yellow with a medial longitudinal black line, not reaching to the apex of latter, propodeum light sulphur-yellow, black Y-shaped marked on the posterior. Legs light sulphur-yellow. Wings light flavo-hyaline with dark brown color along the costal margin of the forewing, tegulae yellow. Gastral segments light sulphur-yellow, generally with black-marked on the second and third segment. This wasp is distinguised from other species by having light sulphur-yellow color with two black marks on abdomen. Vespa bicolor is the smallest species of Vespa: Body length of workers only 15-22 mm, males 19-23 mm and queens reach 25mm.
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